A few days ago, a Twitter user shared a method to get rid of acne. The user stated that drinking milk and eating dairy products can cause acne. If you stop drinking milk or eating dairy products, it will help clear up your acne. This makes many people wonder, can drinking milk really be one of the causes of acne?
If you ask if milk “contributes” to acne, the answer is “yes”. But if you ask how sure it is, “there is no research that clearly states it.” ทางเข้า https://ufabet999.app However, there is one study that states that drinking milk or consuming food made from milk can cause something that no one wants: “acne.” Why is that?
Acne stories
Acne is familiar to almost everyone because everyone has gone through a period of being a teenager before. But whether it is more or less depends on the person. This is because the variable that causes acne during reproductive age is “hormones”, especially “growth hormones”. Since adolescence is the age of change from a child who is growing up to be an adult, during this age, growth hormone is at its highest level. At the same time, hormone levels are always fluctuating.
Growth hormone is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The important function of growth hormone is as the name suggests: it is a hormone that helps in the growth of the body, including height, muscle mass, and bone mass, so that teenagers can grow appropriately for their age. In addition, growth hormone is also involved in the body’s metabolic system because its chemical structure is similar to insulin, so it has the ability to control blood sugar levels.
This growth hormone affects the sebaceous glands under the skin. If the body has high levels of this hormone, the sebaceous glands are stimulated and produce more sebum, so much so that the pores become clogged. This blockage allows the P. acnes bacteria (the bacteria that causes acne) to grow well and break down the sebum. White blood cells that are responsible for dealing with foreign substances (P. acnes bacteria) gather in that area, causing inflammation that turns into acne.
So how does eating dairy products cause acne?
Although there is currently no clear evidence that consuming dairy products “directly” causes acne, “indirectly” milk may contribute to making acne more severe.
A 2018 study tested the hypothesis that dairy consumption might affect acne. The study used a sample of 78,529 people, including children, adolescents, and adults. The results found a link between dairy consumption and acne.
It is well known that milk is a food with high nutritional value, especially “protein”. The main proteins in milk are proteins called whey and casein. It also contains natural growth hormones. Whey increases blood insulin levels, while casein increases growth hormones. These proteins are therefore important variables that may trigger acne. Therefore, when analyzing this connection, it can be seen that the protein in milk has a greater effect on causing acne than the amount of fat in milk.