It is believed that drinking wheatgrass juice helps strengthen the immune system excrete toxins from the body. Which is beneficial to the digestive system and circulatory system as follows :
1. Rich in many nutrients
Wheatgrass is a good source of many vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K. As well as other minerals and nutrients. Such as calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron, amino acids and chlorophyll. These nutrients are beneficial to the body in many ways. Such as reducing inflammation. Reduce the risk of infectious disease and antioxidants.
In addition, some vitamins also has antioxidant properties in the body. Therefore, it may help reduce the risk of diabetes and coronary heart disease UFABET
However, this research is only a small cohort study. So further studies should be waited. On the properties of nutrients for the prevention or treatment of various diseases.
2. Anticancer properties
Several studies have found that antioxidants in wheatgrass may help. Reduce the risk of cancer. One study found that a substance obtained from wheatgrass extract may inhibit the proliferation of laryngeal cancer cells, consistent with another study. That found that Chlorophyllin in wheat grass reduces the risk of breast cancer. In addition, another study found that colon cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and wheatgrass juice daily. May help reduce blood vessel damage.
However, there are few studies and research on the properties of wheatgrass in the treatment or prevention of cancer. There are limitations that make it impossible to clearly confirm the efficacy of wheatgrass in cancer. Therefore, it should wait for the results of further studies in the future. However, cancer patients should consult a doctor before consuming wheatgrass. And should not eat wheat grass for the hope of a cure for cancer.